Japan Parade 2025
Unit Application

For the 4th Japan Parade, We are looking for units and groups that can present the unique appeal of Japanese culture and further encourage the friendship between Japan and the United States. We hope you will march with us!

【Participating Unit Examples】

・Traditional performing arts (bon-odori, Nihon-buyō, gagaku, shamisen, taiko, etc.)

・Traditional dress and costuming as samurai (armor and hakama), in kimono, etc.

・Musical groups such as marching bands

・Martial ats (aikido, karate, kendo, kyūdō, judo, sumo, etc.), other sports

・Pop Culture

・Schools, childrens’ groups, prefectural associations (kenjin-kai), hobby groups, etc.

【Participating Styles】

・Units may march while playing musical instruments, dancing, wearing matching

costumes/uniforms, with flags and/or banners, with props, etc.

・Dancing, musical performances, and the specifics of your unit’s participation including details like

costumes and sound system needs must be listed on your unit’s application form.

*The promotion of products and other advertising activities are restricted to sponsors only. Should

your unit be interested, please contact the Japan Day Project Liaison Office for further information.

【Participating Unit Sizes】

Units should have at least 10 individual participants. (Should your unit have less than 10, please contact the Japan Day Project Liaison Office.)

【Large Flag and Portable Shrine (Omikoshi) Bearers】

Organizations interested in carrying the large national flags of Japan and the United States or

holding and carrying the portable shrine (mikoshi) are encouraged to contact the Japan Day Project

Liaison Office. To be considered, your unit must have 20 or more members who can carry a national

flag or mikoshi the entire parade route. Slots for the national flag and mikoshi bearers are limited.

Should interest exceed availability, the Japan Day Project Liaison Office will conduct a selection


【Participation Fee】

Participation is free of charge. However, all costs related to participation (including but not limited

to visa application fees, transportation, accommodation, costumes, props, rehearsal fees, and

speaker rental fees) are the responsibility of the participating unit.

【Speakers and Banners】

The movable "rolling speakers" that can play music will be available for paid rental in 2025 (rental

fee TBD). Please notify the Japan Day Project Liaison Office if you are interested in renting one.

Units may bring their own speakers, subject to approval. Units are recommended to have a banner

and may bring their own, subject to approval via photo review. Units that have previously

participated in the Japan Parade between 2022 and 2024 may use the same banners. The Japan Day

Project Liaison Office can recommend a printing service if a new banner is required.


Japan Day Inc. is seeking support to make its activities possible. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit

organization, all donations to Japan Day Inc. are fully tax deductible of the law. Contributions may

be made through our website below.


【Application Process】

Please enter your unit’s information into the application via the link below and submit.


【Application Deadline, Review, and Results】

Please submit your unit’s application form by Monday, March 3, 2025. Once submitted, the

application will be reviewed by the Japan Day Project Liaison Office. Please note that the Japan

Day Project Liaison Office reserves the right to decline your unit’s application based on the results

of the review. Your unit will be notified of your application result by late March.